Guide to put your own men's toupee

If you want to make the wig look natural, you need to learn to attach it properly. Most men nowadays make use of toupees to cover their baldness. If you are one of them, you must learn to attach it yourself at home. You cannot go again and again to a hair salon to get it to attach, this will waste a lot of your money. 

Methods for attaching men's toupee

Depending on your preferences, you can attach toupee either with hairpiece tape or with hairpiece adhesives. There are three methods by which you can attach a toupee properly. All of them are mentioned in detail. But before following any of the methods, you have to follow two steps which are common before every method.

  • Prepare your skin – make sure that you first remove the oils and impurities from your hairline and scalp. This will help the wig stay on your scalp for a longer time. 
  • Apply scalp protector – you should apply a scalp protector over your entire scalp so that when you apply toupee, there is no skin irritation or damage. 

Liquid hairpiece adhesive method 

It comes in both silicone-based and water-based formulas. If you want a stronger toupee bond, you must use silicone-based formulas. You can use liquid adhesive for both perimeter bonding and full head bonding. Below are the steps to make use of liquid adhesive – 

  1. At first, you will have to brush the thin layer of liquid adhesive on your scalp. There is some adhesive that may require multiple layers to ensure a strong bond. If you are applying multiple layers, then let the first layer dry before applying the next one. 
  2. Tap your fingers gently over your scalp to see if the adhesive dried or not. If it becomes sticky from wet, then you can switch to the next step. 
  3. Now apply some positioning spray so that when you will apply the wig over your scalp, the adhesive will not dry completely because you will also have to adjust the toupee. 
  4. Now you can start by placing the front of the toupee and then move your toupee backward slowly to ensure the proper fit.
  5. The next step is to look at the edges of the toupee so that they are fully bonded with the adhesive. If there are any loose edges, lift the unbounded portion, apply adhesive, lay the toupee down, and press it gently.
  6. Now for 24 hours, avoid getting your toupee wet to ensure a strong bond. Avoid exercising or bathing. 

Hairpiece tape 

If you want to attach a toupee for a short period, you must use hairpiece tape. There are two types of hairpiece tapes available, one is short-term hairpiece tape, and another one is extended hairpiece tape. It is straightforward to apply hairpiece tape, but removing it can take some of your time because some tapes leave gooey residue on your scalp.

  • Short-term hairpiece tape – if you will take out the toupee every day or in a few days, you should use short-term hairpiece tape to attach the toupee. There are two types of hairpiece tapes in this category. If you want to attach a toupee for one day, then make use of 3M clear tape. If you want to attach it for 2-3 days, then make use of red tape. 
  • Extended wear hairpiece tape – this tape will help you to hold your toupee in place for about 21 days. There are also various types in this category like Blue tape, Supertape, or Max Adhesives Prodigy tape. All three options are a good choice if you want extended wear bonds. There is also Euro flex tape with small holes that allow the scalp to breathe and hold the hairpiece for about 4-6 weeks. 

Toupee clips 

If you don't like to use any adhesives to attach toupee, then toupee clips are the best option for you. They are generally small metal clips that you will have to attach to your growing hair. 

These three methods help you attach the hairpiece to your scalp very easily. So, follow any method which you find convenient.